Surface Exploration Drilling.
Underground Drilling - Pneumatic, Electro-Hydraulic and Hydro Powered.
Cover Drilling, Exploration Drilling and Ring Seal.
Drilling of Drain Holes.
Longhole Drilling.
Directional Longhole Drilling.
Pre-cementation of Shafts.
Ring Seal Development Ends.
Water intersected through blasting operations or normal drilling operations.
Nuisance Water.
Installation of long anchors.
Installation of clamp sets.
Installation of arched sets.
Rehabilitation of tunnels.
Drilling and installation of meshing and lacing.
Application of wetcrete & thin liner.
Application of voidfill.
SJDrilling has over 25 years of experience in the mining and drilling industry. We pride ourselves on being the best because we have beaten all the rest.
Here we add a short overview of this topic which can be explained in the video.
Here we add a short overview of this topic which can be explained in the video.
Here we add a short overview of this topic which can be explained in the video.